Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hmmmm, what to post, what to post. 30 seems to be boring so far...ha ha ha. So, I will post about something else.
I have been reading Romans for the past couple of months with my small group. We are reading it for the second time now. We are supposed to be reading 6 verses a day but, I am still in chapter one. I was reading about Paul's longing to visit the church at Rome because of their great faith that was heard through out the world. It got me wondering, what would that church look like today? Would it be like Grace Community or Mars Hill, or Lakewood Church, or maybe Bethlehem Baptist? Granted our world today is much larger then Paul's world. If there was such a church that was known through out the world, would I be skeptical of their faith, their doctrine? Would you?
Another thing I have been wondering about is what great faith looks like, but that will have to wait until I am older then 30+2 :)

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