Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Please Pray for Sam

Please pray for Sam Vanderpool! He was in my class at Grace Academy. He is now at UW Medical Center for acute live failure. The doctors (in their infinite wisdom) told him that it would take a miracle for him to live long enough to receive a new liver. Well, thankfully and sovereignly I know a SOMEONE who is big enough and controls ALL THINGS, including liver transplants!!

This is from Sam's older brother David Vanderpool

"As many of you know, my brother has been hospitalized with a blood infection and acute liver failure. A week ago the doctor said it would take a miracle for him to overcome the blood infection and it would take yet another miracle for him to live long enough to get a liver transplant. It seems we've been blessed with ...miracle #1 . . . and while we get ready for miracle #2, Sam would to have a little fun.

He has asked me to start an NCAA men's basketball tournament pool. Winner gets something awesome . . . like an autographed bed pan ;).

Please fax your bracket (along with a personal note to Sam, if you like) to 1-866-599-8174 or email it to me at DavidRockVanderpool@gmail.com, by game time Thursday. I will print them all up and hand them over to Sam and Mom.

Also, Sam asked that you include any prayer requests. No request is to small!

Typical Sammy Boy.

Thanks for all your prayer and support, we love you too!!!"

I know that his family would appreciate your prayers!

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