Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Please Pray for Sam

Please pray for Sam Vanderpool! He was in my class at Grace Academy. He is now at UW Medical Center for acute live failure. The doctors (in their infinite wisdom) told him that it would take a miracle for him to live long enough to receive a new liver. Well, thankfully and sovereignly I know a SOMEONE who is big enough and controls ALL THINGS, including liver transplants!!

This is from Sam's older brother David Vanderpool

"As many of you know, my brother has been hospitalized with a blood infection and acute liver failure. A week ago the doctor said it would take a miracle for him to overcome the blood infection and it would take yet another miracle for him to live long enough to get a liver transplant. It seems we've been blessed with ...miracle #1 . . . and while we get ready for miracle #2, Sam would to have a little fun.

He has asked me to start an NCAA men's basketball tournament pool. Winner gets something awesome . . . like an autographed bed pan ;).

Please fax your bracket (along with a personal note to Sam, if you like) to 1-866-599-8174 or email it to me at DavidRockVanderpool@gmail.com, by game time Thursday. I will print them all up and hand them over to Sam and Mom.

Also, Sam asked that you include any prayer requests. No request is to small!

Typical Sammy Boy.

Thanks for all your prayer and support, we love you too!!!"

I know that his family would appreciate your prayers!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thank You Lord!

Yesterday Hannah and Curtis got home from work late. All Hannah had time to do before bed was eat a super quick dinner and take a bath. While she was eating dinner though, she told me that during her last recess, she asked God to come into her heart and clean it of her sin! How awesome is that!! God has chosen to call and save my oldest! I rejoiced with her and gave her many hugs and kisses, and all she could reply is that she loved my and now she has a clean heart. Now here comes the hard part. Encouraging a five year old in her new faith, teaching her how to love Jesus more, how to listen to that still small voice inside of her that is the Holy Spirit, and how to keep short accounts between her and Christ in confession of sin. Please be praying for Hannah, Curtis and I as we go through this together. Praise God! Only time will tell if she is truly saved, but still I will rejoice! I definitely think that she knows what it mean to be saved, as any five year old would know. She knows that she has sin in her heart, she knows what her specific sins look like, she knows that only God through Jesus can make her heart clean, and she knows that after her heart is clean it can get little dirt on it again that has to be washed off by saying your sorry when you sin to God. I love it! I love this stage!! Praise God!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Take Three.....

Take three.....This is my third attempt on today's blog. I don't have anything really to write(type) about. This week has been pretty calm since Tuesday. A nice change to say the least! Oh wait! Here is something semi-exciting. Hannah has her first loose tooth! It is really loose. In fact, I think that if she would let me that we could just pull it out, but her fears are in her way. Her adult tooth is already starting to push through as well, so in theory, it should push the baby tooth right out with very little pain.

It does kind of remind me of stuff that God might want to pull out of my life for future growth, but like Hannah, my fears could get in my way. It could be something foolish and temporal like the internet or it could be something big like a lose of one of my family members or my whole family. Painful in the moment or as I approach it, but I know that ultimately the old MUST go in order to bring newness. This is even true in salvation. The old man must be put to death in order for the new man to have life. What a great reminder!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

He Did, He Did!!

In my last post I described how my last week was, filled with mini trials. Today however, I want to share how God has already answered our prayers and my fears. We don't know how this happened but God gave us an incredible tax refund this year, which is slightly odd considering we didn't have any tax with-holdings. But none the less God can choose to bless His children whenever and however He chooses! We had just received our return before we spent the $600+ on tires so that purchase was already covered. The medical bills I am pretty sure that I will have to pay but God did provide another form of free insurance that will act as a secondary and they will cover 100%!!! That means we won't have to pay anything out of pocket for the pregnancy and delivery. That is HUGE!! Praise God!! He is always so faithful to take care of His children! Hannah in Sunday school class has been learning how God keeps His covenants and promises. She is always quick to remind me of that )
Also, interesting how God uses my five year old. After I had received my speeding ticket I was driving home crying and Hannah asked me why I was so sad. I told her it was because I had disobeyed and got in trouble for it. She told me that I needed to ask Jesus in my heart to make it clean. I told her that Jesus was already in my heart and that even when He is in my heart that I still disobey sometimes and sin. She replied that I needed to then ask forgiveness from God and He will take away my sin of disobeying. I told her that I did ask for forgiveness. She thought for a bit and then said "You shouldn't be sad anymore because Jesus has forgiven you, that should make you joyful, you are forgiven!" Talk about stabbing my heart! She was absolutely right! I was lingering over my sin feeling sorry for myself. Not only did she see that but she called me on it! Once again, God is oh so faithful!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wow, What a Week!

Sorry, this week was crazy! Between our van not starting and me needing to call Curtis for help, having a nail in the tread of my tire that Les Schwab wouldn't fix, then to needing to buy FOUR new tires, weaning Phoebe from three feedings a day to one, receiving a $1,000 dollar bill just from lab work to verify that I was pregnant, and finally getting pulled over for going 10 mph over the speed limit in a construction zone with a mean sheriff handing me the ticket throwing me into becoming a weeping mother! I am glad that it is over!! I am praying that this week will be much better!
That is why I didn't blog last week I was just a tad overly emotional!! But now I am back on track and will be blogging again tomorrow!